Forged on the Field

The founders of the Studio Internship have been involved in missions for over 35 years and have been Frontiers team leaders and overseers in three countries. After watching scores of gifted, and highly motivated missionaries return home early – often discouraged and hurt – they felt called to build a ministry that would help prepare new workers for the hardships and challenges they would face in bringing the Gospel to unreached Muslim peoples. They gathered a core team of experienced and fruitful workers around them and began to make the dream reality. The core training team has, in total, over 250 years of field-life experience to draw from with ministry experience in more than 15 Islamic nations. They know and love Muslims and have a passion for training.

Informed by Research

The Studio Internship was developed in response to the overwhelming need for fast, practical, and effective pre-field training. The curriculum is based on findings from interviews with over 750 field workers, field directors, and training directors representing more than 150 mission agencies serving in the Muslim world.

Focused on Fruitfulness and Resiliency

We prepare workers to go to the least evangelized and typically the most difficult to access places on earth.  Understandably, in these contexts workers often return home hurt and discouraged before they have mastered the local language or led even one Bible study.  That’s why we focus on skills and perspectives that lead to both fruitfulness and resiliency. Fruitful workers possess both of these qualities. They have ministry skills to make the most of the opportunities they are given, and they have cultivated spiritual and emotional habits that enable them to go the long haul. 

We thank God for the grace He has given our ministry. We have been able to train and send over 100 workers into the 10-40 Window. To date, approximately 97 percent of our graduates join the ministry team they hoped to serve with on the mission field.  And over 80 percent of our interns complete their first four years of overseas service having obtained fluency in the local language.