The Studio Internship was developed in response to the overwhelming need for fast, practical and effective pre-field training. The curriculum is based on the findings of the Fruitful Practices research team (compiled from interviews with over 750 field workers representing more than 150 mission agencies serving in the Muslim world) and interviews with field leaders and training directors from numerous mission organizations that serve the Muslim world.
Studio trainers are veteran field workers who come from a variety of mission organizations and ministry contexts. The founders of the Studio Internship have been involved in missions for over 35 years and have been Frontiers team leaders in three countries. The core training team has, in total, over 250 years of field-life experience to draw from. They know and love Muslims and have a passion for training.
Studio is unique in this blending of experienced trainers, hands-on outreach, and practical training that combines resiliency skills with fruitful practices. Interns are prepared for overseas ministry while loving Muslims in the U.S. through friendship, service, outreach, and discipleship.
Studio was officially launched in 2017 in California, home to the second largest immigrant community in the U.S. More than 180 languages are spoken in the Studio region.