Studio will give you the tools and help you develop the skills needed for a long and fruitful ministry on the field. By equipping you with knowledge, practical experience, and mentoring, you’ll be prepared to: 

  •  Grow in passion for Christ and trust in God. 
  • Engage with Muslims and share Christ effectively. 
  • Discover storytelling and learn to share the Gospel with Muslims. 
  • Apply understandings of Islamic worldview to Gospel presentations. 
  • Make sense of cultural differences and embrace them with humility. 
  • Gain vision to help catalyze reproducing movements to Jesus Christ. 
  • Discover how to equip Muslim background believers as fruitful disciples. 
  • Experience team life and discover principles of conflict resolution. 
  • Grow in personal flexibility in the midst of change. 
  • Develop spiritual gifts and leadership skills. 
  • Practice hearing God and obeying in practical ways. 
  • Learn how to master a new language. 
  • Discuss options for entry strategies. 
  • Develop lifelong relationships with fellow interns and experienced mentors.